Friday, March 20, 2009

Critical illness

Insurance at the time sporting a sine qua non for an active lifestyle. Sport is not only fun and healthy way of life. First of all, this increased risk. You can provide a reliable insurance protection without any exception. Insurance, of your choice, can apply for the duration of any sports or only during competitions. The policy covers the risks of amateur and professional sports. A passion for downhill skiing, mountain climbing or diving is not possible without a reliable insurance protection against injuries Insurance credit borrowers special kind of insurance protection. An accident or illness resulting in disability or death of the Borrower is not only radically transform the lives of the borrower and his family, but can lead to loss of the acquired assets for loans - car, apartment, suburban real estate ... Life insurance and health Borrower credit allows to shift the responsibility for repaying the loan on the insurance company
Insurance typically covers the following insurance risks:

• death resulting from an accident
• death, which came as a result of disease
• permanent disability as a result of an accident
• permanent disability as a result of general illness
For the Bank this type of insurance is not only a further reduction of non-credit risks, but also the related possibility of lower rates on your credit agreement.

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