Friday, March 20, 2009

Classic Insurance

In the case of the insured event insured / insured person or beneficiary is drawn to the Insurer a statement (you can make reference to the application form) of the insurance payment. The application package of necessary documents INSURANCE BENEFITS IN JSC GRANIT Insurance against accidents and diseases

• a wide range of insurance against accidents and diseases
• flexibility in shaping the program of insurance protection
• optimal selection of insurance risks, the size of the sum insured and the period of protection
• the optimal tariff rate for each type of policy
• a rapid resolution when the insured event
• insurance coverage, including insurance cases that have occurred as a result of a terrorist act (specify optional)

Accidents are the following occurred outside arisen suddenly, unexpectedly (in addition to the will of the insured person) and events leading to the loss of the insured disability, injury or death: a natural phenomenon of nature, explosion, burn, frostbite, drowning, to the electric current, lightning, heliosis, illegal actions of third parties, animal attack, the fall of any object on or of the Insured; sudden asphyxiation, accidental acute poisoning by harmful products or substances (poisonous plants, chemicals, defective food), but also occurred in the movement of funds transport or in an accident when using machines, instruments, tools of production and all kinds of tools

Illness (disease) - a violation of the state of health is not caused by accident, diagnosed on the basis of objective symptoms for the first time since the Treaty came into force on insurance. Classical accident insurance allows you to create a multifaceted insurance to include any number of insurance risks, registration policy for any necessary period of time and coverage, the inclusion in the policy risks associated with sports and stay in areas of high risk. An important advantage of this opportunity to pay an insurance premium in installments. Insurance critical illness allows to include in the contract of insurance risks associated with common disease. Insurance events recognized by the disease, leading to permanent loss of benefits to an insured group disability or death.

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